About CPC


Our Story

Comprehensive Psychiatric Center is a private organization founded by Roberto Ruiz, MD in 1979 to provide treatment to individuals who are chemically dependent to opiates. Dr. Ruiz, a well-known psychiatrist, and recipient of the Nyswander-Dole award has over 40 years experience in the field of addiction and was one of the first pioneers to begin treatment of opiate addiction in the South Florida area. We have two additional physicians on staff specializing in addiction, along with counselors and support staff, to help you succeed in your program.

Our Mission

The mission of CPC is to provide Medicated Assisted Treatment (MAT) to opioid dependent adults in a safe, medically sound therapeutic environment and to provide opportunities for clients to explore and strengthen assets that support a healthy, productive lifestyle through education and individualized drug counseling.


Nyswander-Dole Awarded To Dr. Ruiz